Highlights from Paris Photo 2013, Part 5 of 5

While every section of this comprehensive Paris Photo roundup can likely stand on its own, for those that want to start at the beginning, the first portion of the tour (along with an explanation of how the slideshows are organized) can be found here.

This final section covers the area in the center of the fair, as seen from the entrance.

Edwynn Houk Gallery (here): Vintage transmutations from Brassaï (etched/scraped directly on the negatives, obscuring the underlying nudes) have become increasingly scarce. Priced at $24000.

Edwynn Houk Gallery (here): This work is a continuation of Valérie Belin’s most recent series, albeit with a brighter palette and a more prominent treatment of the floral elements. Priced at $36000.

Stevenson Gallery (here): A new swirled, mirrored abstraction from Viviane Sassen, found in her new book Etan & Me. Priced at €4000.

Galerie Karsten Greve (here): This booth was dominated by works by Robert Polidori. Among the strongest images was this flooded New Orleans house, filled with dirt, mold, and silently decaying ruins. Priced at €21000.

Àngels Barcelona (here): Joan Fontcuberta’s newest works are images of printed exhibition invitation cards eaten away by snails. The pictures have been eroded to the point that they are hardly recognizable, becoming mottled, fragmented abstractions, with a dash of wry commentary on image reuse. Priced at €7260.

Klemm’s (here): Viktoria Binschtok’s diptychs pair small black and white Google Street View images of various locations with larger color photographs she made of those same places. They are smart meditations on the contrast between machine and human sight and the craftsmanship of image making. Priced at €7000.

Rolf Art (here): Graciela Sacco’s work pushes the boundaries of photographic transformation, with images divided and mounted on found wooden planks. The effect is both sculptural and elusive, as the picture dissolves into the shifting gaps in the boards. Priced at €30000.

Metro Pictures (here): New work from Trevor Paglen, with reaper drones hidden by soft pastels. Priced at $15000.

Galerie Nathalie Obadia (here): Youssef Nabil turns a twirling belly dancer into a graceful, abstracted set piece, with the pleated golden cape twisting into gorgeous spiraled shapes. Sold as a set of 12 prints, priced at $65000.

Galerie Susanne Zander (here): Horst Ademeit’s daily Polaroids, each inscribed with impossibly small text. Priced at €800 each.

Daniel Blau (here): While the main attraction in this booth was an exhibit devoted to Robert Capa, these NASA collages of Mars Viking Orbiter images from the late 1970s felt surprisingly modern. Priced at €15000 each.

Galerie Thomas Zander (here): Plenty of noteworthy work in this booth, from Lewis Baltz’ sites of technology to Tod Papageorge’s Studio 54 images. The unexpected came in the form of early work (late 1970s black and white prints of architectural exteriors) from Candida Höfer. Priced at €20000 and already sold.

Galerie Wilma Tolksdorf (here): New work from Jörg Sasse, an unbalanced still life in saturated orange. Priced at €3800.

Brancolini Grimaldi (here): Massimo Vitali’s diptych of a Sao Paolo fruit market, shot in analog and digital (red frame) formats, seconds apart. There are thousands of tiny differences, both in the movement of the people and the subtle color and clarity nuances of the two technologies. Priced at €50000.

Fraenkel Gallery (here): A recent Christian Marclay unspooled cassette tape cyanotype, printed extra tall and narrow. Priced at $45000.

Fraenkel Gallery (here): Idris Khan chalk images, with an obvious nod to Cy Twombly. Priced at $9500 each.

Hamiltons Gallery (here): This booth was a dark affair, with spotlit works in a maze of small spaces. While there was a whole room of Irving Penn skulls, the colorful pop of his Cholesterol’s Revenge still life on a side wall was hard to top.

Toluca Editions (here): A vintage reflection from Paolo Gasparini. Priced at €6000 and already sold.

Michael Werner Gallery (here): This booth was devoted to the work of Jeff Cowen, with extra large prints layered with paint, tape, and multiple images. Priced at €50000.

Howard Greenberg Gallery (here): I thoroughly enjoyed the compositional clarity of this luscious Jaroslav Rössler print. Priced at €44000 and already sold.

Howard Greenberg Gallery (here): Very few Edward Westons at Paris Photo this year, but this small nude tucked on a side wall was worth discovering. Priced at €25700.

Howard Greenberg Gallery (here): A recent set of still life works by Joel Meyerowitz, documenting Cezanne’s objects, from earthenware pots to pewter vessels. Priced at €110000.

Espaivisor (here): Nil Yalter’s mixed media documentation of Turkish immigrants, making meatballs and smiling for the camera. Priced at €48000. I was also shown a terrific series of head shot Polaroids (Turkish and Tunisian immigrants once again), overpainted with nail polish.

Galerie Jérôme Poggi (here): Sophie Ristelhueber’s aerial images of the Kuwaiti desert, patterned like sutured scar tissue. Priced at €25000 and already sold.

Gallery Luisotti (here): John Divola’s running dogs, flashing by in the desert. Sold as a set of 4 prints, priced at $12500.

Bruce Silverstein Gallery (here): Frederick Sommer’s iconic portrait of Livia, with a variant (different hand position), both 1948 vintage prints Sommer gave directly to his subject. Priced POR.

Bruce Silverstein Gallery (here): Another treasure hiding around the corner in this booth: a rigorous top down Moholy-Nagy. Priced POR.

Koenig & Clinton (here): Very few Cindy Shermans on display at the fair, but I was glad to see this non-obvious late 1980s choice. Priced at $100000.

Martin Asbæk Gallery (here): Simply a sublime yellow window frame, by Elina Brotherus. Priced at €6000 and already sold.

Yossi Milo Gallery (here): New works from Marco Breuer, using the swirling, gestural heat of a glue gun to make twisted all over abstractions. Priced at $8500 each.

Yossi Milo Gallery (here): Mishka Henner’s witty riffs on Robert Frank (entitled Less Americains), with iconic images blanked out, reduced to recognizable fragments. Priced at $2500 each.

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Read more about: Brassaï (Gyula Halász), Candida Höfer, Christian Marclay, Cindy Sherman, Edward Weston, Elina Brotherus, Frederick Sommer, Graciela Sacco, Horst Ademeit, Idris Khan, Irving Penn, Jaroslav Rössler, Jeff Cowen, Joan Fontcuberta, Joel Meyerowitz, John Divola, Jörg Sasse, László Moholy-Nagy, Marco Breuer, Massimo Vitali, Mishka Henner, NASA, Nil Yalter, Paolo Gasparini, Robert Polidori, Sophie Ristelhueber, Trevor Paglen, Valérie Belin, Viktoria Binschtok, Viviane Sassen, Youssef Nabil, Àngels Barcelona, Brancolini Grimaldi, Bruce Silverstein Gallery, Edwynn Houk Gallery, Espaivisor, Fraenkel Gallery, Galerie Daniel Blau, Galerie Jérôme Poggi, Galerie Karsten Greve, Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Galerie Susanne Zander, Galerie Thomas Zander, Galerie Wilma Tolksdorf, Gallery Luisotti, Hamiltons Gallery, Howard Greenberg Gallery, Klemm's, Koenig & Clinton, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Metro Pictures Gallery, Michael Werner Gallery, Rolf Art, Stevenson Gallery, Toluca Fine Art, Yossi Milo Gallery, Paris Photo

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