Out of Town Gallery Shows (Volume 1)

With the new fall season upon us and the auction catalogues showing up on our doorstep on a daily basis, the posts in the next few weeks will be filled with gallery show reviews and auction previews. As such, I wanted to make sure that a few shows going on in other places around the world don’t get lost in the shuffle. So here are a handful of gallery exhibits that we would enjoy seeing if we were lucky enough to be in their towns (all are open now):

Lucien Herve @Michael Hoppen Gallery, London
Through October 11th

William Christenberry @Hemphill Fine Arts, Washington, DC
Through October 25th

Alec Soth, Dog Days, Bogota @Stephen Daiter Gallery, Chicago
Through October 25th

Garry Winogrand, The Sixties @Fraenkel Gallery, San Francisco
Through November 1st

Gotz Diergarten, METROpolis @Kicken Berlin
Through December 2nd

As always, if you’re a collector and have seen any of these shows, give us your thoughts in the Comments section.

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