2023 Guggenheim Fellows in Photography

Here’s the list of the 2023 Guggenheim Fellowship winners in Photography (with links to their respective websites as applicable). The entire list of current fellows (in all disciplines, including the adjacent/overlapping categories of Fine Arts and Film-Video) can be found on the foundation website (here).


  • Tony Chirinos (here)
  • Deanna Dikeman (here)
  • Curran Hatleberg (here)
  • Pao Houa Her (here)
  • Laura Larson (here)
  • Klea McKenna (here)
  • Mark McKnight (here)
  • Susannah Sayler/Edward Morris (here)
  • Rebecca Moseman (here)
  • Sasha Phyars-Burgess (here)
  • Shane Rocheleau (here)
  • Aaron Rothman (here)
  • Christina Seely (here)
  • Jerry Spagnoli (here)

Photography Studies

  • Marita Sturken (here)

As background, the previous Guggenheim Fellows in Photography from recent years can be found below, going back more than a decade:

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Read more about: Aaron Rothman, Christina Seely, Curran Hatleberg, Deanna Dikeman, Jerry Spagnoli, Klea McKenna, Laura Larson, Mark McKnight, Pao Houa Her, Rebecca Moseman, Sasha Phyars-Burgess, Shane Rocheleau, Susannah Sayler and Edward Morris (Sayler/Morris), Tony Chirinos

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